Thursday 22 September 2011


Opening scene
Names are appearing over the facial features, moving up from the mouth to the eyes and the eyes go side to side, this is suspicious, getting closer into the eyes, it goes red and and she gasps and you see her eyes move, and they get really big. The music is cleverly used because there is a big loud bang when the credits come up and the eyes move. The blue thing spinning at the start, could show confusing and 'vertigo' reference to the title.

Near the start of the film, there is a chase and there is like where the man is hanging and looks down. We are instantly positioned with the man that is hanging above the buildings and this makes the audience feel scared because he feels scared. The shot where he looks down and the buildings stretch out show vertigo and refer to the title.

With the two people sat in the room, they are talking about how the man we were following has agoraphobia, and the fear of heights. There is a shot reverse shot used because they are talking. The shot reverse shot was first used on a strange angle. They start to talk about something intimate and the close up shots on the woman's face, to show her reaction and her expression. The man looks out the window when he is stepping up, and the music comes in, and the music links in with the narrative. This shows that hitchcock is using links from his other films.

The man is trying to defend himself from everyone, telling people that he is feeling good, and he is should be back at work. The camera followed the man when he setup and followed him walking deeper into the office, and he asks scotty to do a job for him, and then the camera is close on him to show his expression. Scotty refuses to do the job.
Another psychologically confused character, like in psycho.
The shot has one long drawn back track, and cuts to the restaurant, this then has scotty sitting in watching, as the two have dinner.

When the lady is walking in, they kind of notice each other, and there is a shot reverse shot with no talking that shows that she kind of sense that someone is watching her.
Point of view shot with the man in the car following the woman, changing to show the car he is following. Scotty is following the woman, and there is calm smooth music when this is happening. The woman is looking at a painting of the woman that she went to see the grave of earlier, and again an in the car shot.

Something doesn't add up in the hotel, Scotty sees the woman opening a blind, and parking outside. He then is really confused, because he saw her and her car, and when he goes up to the room both are gone. Then he is getting a drink and confused with a far shot reverse shot between him and the woman that he was originally with in the room.

The music is slow and calm when he is following her, every-time. He gets out the car, and the music gets quieter, and more 'suspicious'. Point of view shots are always used, when he looks at her in-front of the bridge.

The pace of the editing is fast, when the woman jumps in the river, and Scotty goes after her to save her, the editing is fast and the music gets extremely loud.

As they arrive at the town, the music is telling the story again, with high pitched strings. The camera is tracking very slowly into her face, this was also clearly shown in the film psycho.

The music gets loud and tense when they are chasing each other up the stairs.. there was another classic hitchcock perspective, with zooming out and moving the camera back at the same time.
Birds eye view of the stairwell, you can compare the shower scene in psycho to this scene because the edits get really fast, and the music gets loud.
Use of different colours to show his dream state, montage editing for the dream state, flash backs and colour being used, the use of special effect.. and when he woke up he looked straight at the camera.

We have another psychologically disturbed character because scotty has become afraid, he has a guilt complex. Scotty is in a mental asylum.

Scotty soon realizes that the original woman that he had been following was still alive, and the man had used scotty to follow this woman to help cover up the cover up the murder of his wife. Scotty finds a woman that looks exactly like her and soon finds out that it is the same woman that he had been following and the woman that he had fallen in love with, when he finds her out he takes her back to the murder scene, where is gets scared and walks back and she dies too.

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