Thursday 15 March 2012

Questionaire Results

1) What originally attracted you to watch this film?
I found that most people wanted to watch the film because of the actors, such as Plan B and Michael Cane. Also because it was a classic British film. Also someone was told by another person to watch the film, because they found it entertaining and they just passed it on via word of mouth.

2) Is there anyway that you think you can relate to this film? E.G. Characters, feelings or meanings
I don’t think that many people could relate to the characters in the film, and this is because the film was just so violent. The fact that this was so violent,

3) In what way did this film give you 'entertainment'
All the action in the film, and the violence gave the people the entertainment and because it was a thrilling violent film. I think that certain types of people find different films entertaining. The mass violence just I think some people get a kick out of it. Also people thought that it had a great story-line.

4) If you could describe this film in three words, what would they be?
Bloody, Gore, Interesting, Shocking, Thrilling, Real, Exciting, Passionate, Entertaining – These were all the words that people used (some came up more than once). The most used word was thrilling, and I think that people found this film thrilling because of all the action in the film.

5) Is there anything that you took away from watching this film, for example a view of someone or something that you didn't have before?
I found that people do take things away with them after the film, in this case they took away the fact that they didn’t realize to what extent this kind of thing happens outside of the film. Like the areas of London that are actually like they are in the film, people didn’t know how bad it actually was. Also they had a different view

6) What was the sole reason that you wanted to watch this film? E.G. For an escape, or because you can relate to the film?
I found that most people decided to watch this film because they had been told by someone else to watch it, they had recommended it, however there was someone who wanted to see the film because of the message that it gives across. I found that they wanted to watch the film because they live in the same kind of situation and wanted to see how it related to them.

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