Thursday 10 May 2012

Harry Potter - Assignment 4

Harry Potter is one of them films that as soon as you mention the name people know what you're talking about, these kind of films are called Blockbusters. There are many things that can affect the money a film makes, including a 'hot' star, topic, special effects; a well-timed release date (i.e: summer or Christmas); accompanying promotional merchandise – appealing to several demographic groups. Harry potter is amongst the highest grossing films of all time, and the franchise/film series Harry Potter is the highest grossing of all time generating a huge $7,706,147,978 in only 8 films, the highest grossing being the newest film generating $1,328,111,219 alone. This kind of money wouldn't be generated without some kind of advertising. 

These films are made by Warner Bros, this means they had a great budget for advertising this would boost the films revenue hugely. 

"Pauline Kael in The New Yorker: In general, it can be said that the public no longer discovers movies, the public no longer makes a picture a hit. If the advertising for a movie doesn't build up an overwhelming desire to be part of the event, people just don't go. They don't listen to their own instincts, they don't listen to the critics – they listen to the advertising."

This quote can be seen in different views, for example some people can assume that its not true and people will go to see a film because of the reviews that a films has had.
From my point of view if i was to go see a film, and it had really bad reviews i would think twice about going to see it, but it wouldn't necessarily make me not want to see it.
Films like Harry Potter, have such large budgets they can spend a lot of money on things like advertising, and distribution. A film will always still get some bad reviews.

Harry potter the was starting to advertise big after the success of the 3rd harry potter film, not necessarily by TV advertisements or spoken word. It was the fact that people understood that the films where doing well therefore all of them would be made. Harry Potter is the type of film/book which is advertised to people of all ages because it holds contents in which all people are able to relate to. Stars are seen as marketing tools as they do not only receive views from the fans of the film they are starring in but from fans of their own fan base. So if you had a famous actor such as Jim Carey staring in a random film made from a book, some people may not like the idea but they will follow and watch the film because they are watching it to see Jim Carey

Advertising for Harry Potter included everything from trailers, posters, and pictures to Lego, Video Games. When the films started to get larger, more known and people knew that the films were going to be big hits, all of a sudden Harry Potter just became everything, people started creating real life games based on Harry Potter.

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